repurpose your existing content into
high-quality, shareable blog posts

Your recordings are a content jackpot. Let us leverage it to reach your B2B audience with blog posts and distribute it across social media channels to 3x your inbound leads.

what do i get?
1. Get A Clear Understanding Of Your Business
You are wasting content

You've put in a lot of hard to create your recordings, but your content is only reaching 33% of your target audience.. Make full use of your content by optimizing your work for text.

B2B Audit Follow Up Questions
Do not settle with only transcripts

Transcripts are not shareable pieces of content. Platforms like Reddit aren't interested in reading 60 minute transcripts, they want tailored content for the platform itself.

B2B Deep Analysis
Quality is not automated

My content is made by a human, which I believe is the only way to connect and nurture your target audience. Any signs of AI content is an automatic red flag.

B2B Simple Read
Custom-made visuals

I support the content in my blog posts with visual explainers that can also be used to distribute across short-form social media platforms like Facebook groups or Instagram to drive more inbound leads.

B2B Industry-Specific Analysis
Save 10 hours / week

For you, it's a lot of time saved up. Why lose time on something that can be delegated to expert curators who have spent 100s of hours curating and distributing content with powerful results?

B2B 30-Day Money Back Guarentee
Save 60% on your first post

The first piece of content we make for you will always be special. I will do it for 60% less so you know what to expect from future pieces of content.

Walk Away WIth..

B2B Growth Marketing Audit
  • Carefully crafted blog/newsletter posts that are shareable. (including custom-made visuals)
  • Reach your target audience through a proven social media distribution strategy.
  • increase visibility and build connections with 5x more potential customers.
Get my post


What industries are your repurposing content strategy for?

We specialise in any business-related recordings that focus on creating content for other business owners, such as Agencies, SaaS, interviews and consultancy-style podcasts

How is this different to transcripts?

The sort of content you will receive will be something you find from a top-quality blog post with visual explainers that you are able to distribute across multiple channels and not simply a transcript of the recording.

How do you create the blog posts?

We will listen to the full recording, then organizes and structure the information based on the most noteworthy points for your audience and create a piece of content from it.

Where do you distribute our content?

Your content will be distributed across channels where your target audience hangs out. Including sub-reddits, Facebook groups and Linkedin groups.