Early Growth Hacks for This Idea Mapping Software to Reach $15k MRR

Quickfire Interview

Launch Strategy

MyMap is an AI-native app that streamlines the idea curation flow, from brainstorming and organizing to presenting. Read below

Quickfire Interview

The Founder Of MyMap:

Victor Zhang

How did you come up with the idea of MyMap?

I am a nerd and I learn best by visual thinking

How did MyMap get its first profitable customers?

just launch in many places, including Product Hunt and many AI aggregating websites

What have you struggled with when building MyMap so far?

Scale up my growth & effective user interview

What gives you and MyMap that unfair advantage over new entrants into the market?

I have been working on knowledge maps for 5 years

What is your main growth strategy for MyMap going forward?

PLG and content marketing

How long did it take for MyMap to hit $15,000 MRR?

1438 days

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