Utilizing Reddit to Write Killer Blog Posts


Content Marketing

How to use Reddit as a research tool to create authentic blog posts that connect directly with your ideal persona's pain points. Read below


Creating compelling blog posts that resonate deeply with your ideal buyer is challenging.

Its impossible to just know what everyone thinks about without the right amount of research.

If you ask them directly in a survey or interview, they might not give you their unfiltered answers.

That's where a place like Reddit can be a gold mine.

Reddit is full of unfiltered talk from people.

It's these honest chats that are like nuggets of gold for your blog.

Here’s the exact 3-step strategy to create your most powerful blog post yet:

Step 1: Finding Treasure In The Right Places On Reddit

Identify the relevant subreddits where your target audience is actively engaged.

Imagine, for instance, that you're planning to write a blog post for an email marketing agency aiming to assist B2B companies in acquiring their leads through email nurturing instead of PPC advertising.

Here’s how to begin:

Go to Gummysearch.com

1.1) Create a new audience

Create a new audience on Gummysearch

1.2) Add active subreddits that are buzzing with business owners.

Add active subreddits from Gummysearch that are buzzing with business owners.

1.3) Find a recent long-form post with 10+ comments

Find a recent long-form post with 10+ comments from the Gummysearch - growth archive

Step 2: Uncover The Golden Nuggets

Dig through these comments and posts for the following key details:

How to use Reddit to create authentic blog posts that connect directly with your ideal persona's pain points.


- They mention that they get few conversions (enquiries), and when they do receive them, they’re either junk, spam, not qualified, or under the $25K project budget.

- They wasted 12 months testing landing pages and coming up with poor results.


- They spent hours searching previous Reddit posts to answer some of their issues, but were unsuccessful.


- Someone who understands their current pains of PPC campaigns.

- A lead generation solution that generates high-quality conversations and clients.

Don't stop there.

Look at three more Reddit posts and their comments.

Find anything new?

Add that to the POD.

These details are the 'gold nuggets' that will make creating your blog post a whole lot easier.

Step 3: Create your blog post

Now take the insights and keywords you've gathered to structure your blog.

For example, your title can be "Why Email Marketing Beats PPC for Getting B2B Leads."

Now design the content of your post so that it resonates with whatever you added to the POD above.

Utilise the exact language used in the POD to demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs, showing that you not only hear them but also possess the solutions they need.

This approach builds trust and nurtures them towards taking action on the dream solution your service offers…

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