‍How Sync2Sheets Got Its First Customers From Networking Groups

Quickfire Interview


Sync2Sheets is a Google Workspace Add-On that integrates Notion with Google Sheets in different ways. It allows you to sync your databases with Sheets, send data from Sheets to Notion in various ways, and more. Read below

Quickfire Interview


Sync2Sheets was launched in 2021 and is now making $5200k+ MRR


Sync2Sheets does not have a lot of big competitors, which makes it a great business for solo founders.

How Sync2Sheets Got Its First Customers:

"Sync2Sheets first strategy was all about social media, publishing in Facebook groups related to Notion, in the Notion subreddit, Telegram groups and Twitter. That gave the first boost to the product while the SEO strategy was taking off."

What Sync2Sheets Struggled With:

"Sync2Sheets tried Reddit ads but it failed miserably, the tools available to track and measure were not good at the time, but maybe they improved now."

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